
In this config file, you can change the commands' description, alias, permission node, and will also allow you to disable them. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask on our discord server.

Configuring the commands

Every single config option in this file follow the same format, to give you an idea of what it looks like, here's an example:

  - "bank"
  description: "Open your Island bank"
  permission: ""
  syntax: ""
  enabled: true
    - "give"
    description: "Give players money into their island bank"
    permission: ""
    syntax: "%prefix% &7/is bank <give> <player> <type> <amount>"
    enabled: true

Let's start things off with aliases. This is a list of string that allows you to use the command. Here's an example:

  - "bank"
  - "test"

This will make it so entering the commands /is bank or /is test will run the bankCommand.

Up next are description, permission, and syntax. Here's a quick breakdown of what each config option does:

  • description is the text that will show up when players enter the command/is help.

  • permission will be the command's permission node, if empty, players will have access to the command by default.

  • syntax is the text that will show up if the command's syntax was wrong when a player tries to run it.

enabled will determine whether the command is enabled in the server or not.

Lastly, cooldownInSeconds is, well, the command's cooldown in seconds.