

This is the main config file of IridiumSkyblock, where you can enable, disable or change certain features of the plugin. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask on our discord server.

Island Level Rewards

In this section, you will be able to configure the rewards that a player will receive once their island reaches a certain level. We will go through each config option and provide some examples. To start off, here's what the default islandLevelRewards will look like:

      material: "EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE" 
      amount: 1 
      displayName: "&b&lLevel %island_level% Reward" 
      headData: null
      headOwner: null
      - "&7Island Level %island_level% Rewards:"
      - "&b&l* &b5 Island Crystals"
      - "&b&l* &200 Island Money"
      - ""
      - "&b&l[!] &bLeft click to redeem"
      slot: null
    commands: []
    islandExperience: 0
    crystals: 5
    money: 200.0
    experience: 0

First off is 1, this integer will determine the island level that needs to be reached in order to receive the reward. Here's an example:


The rewards and how it will appear in the GUI will be explained later. In this example, rewards will be given once the island level reaches 1, 5 and 10.

The next one is item, this section will be responsible with how the item in the GUI will look like.

  • material determines which block or item will be displayed in the GUI, please use Material IDs from this site.

  • amount determines the amount of said material that will be displayed in the GUI. You may use any positive integer.

  • displayName determines the name of the item in the GUI.

  • headData will determine the player head's data. (This will be ignored if PLAYER_HEAD is not the material that is used.)

  • headOwner will determine the player head's owner. (This will be ignored if PLAYER_HEAD is not the material that is used, or if headData is not null.)

  • lore is a list of string that will determine the item's lore,

    • slot determines where the item will be placed in the GUI. Possible values are in this image. Because of how the rewards GUI is handled (reward 1 in slot 0, reward 2 in slot 1, and so on) this config option will be ignored.

Here's an example:

      material: "PLAYER_HEAD"
      amount: 1
      displayName: "&b&lLevel %island_level% Reward"
      headData: null
      headOwner: "Peaches_MLG"
      - "&7Island Level %island_level% Rewards:"
      - "&b&l* &bThis is a super cool reward!"
      - "&b&l* &200 Island Money"
      - ""
      - "&b&l[!] &bLeft click to redeem"
      slot: null

Now that we're done with that, let's proceed to commands. This is the list of commands that will run in the console once the reward is redeemed. Here's an example:

- "give %player% diamond 1"
- "give %player% iron_ingot 16"

This will run both commands, which should give the player 1 diamond and 16 iron ingots.

Up next are islandExperience, crystals, money, and experience, which are pretty straightforward. Here's an example:

islandExperience: 50
crystals: 5
money: 1000.0
experience: 75

This will give the island 50 island experience (experience needed to level up), and will deposit 5 crystals, 1000 money, and 75 experience (experience for players, not islands.) into the island bank.

Last, but not the least, is sound, which determines what sound will play once the reward gets redeemed. Please use the enums listed here. Here's an example:


This will play the ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP sound once the reward gets redeemed.

Last updated