
This page outlines how to configure items in the GUI.

Note: Most of what is outlined here is for reference only - if you copy sections of text to use in your own configuration file, it may break it, so use it at your own risk.

In this section of the wiki, we'll explain how the item: config option works. This should be the same with each config file that has this option, and is responsible for how the item in the GUI will look.

  • material determines which block or item will be displayed in the GUI, please use Material IDs from this site.

  • amount determines the amount of said material that will be displayed in the GUI. You may use any positive integer.

  • displayName determines the name of the item in the GUI.

  • headData will determine the player head's data. You can get these using sites like this (This will be ignored if PLAYER_HEAD is not the material that is used.)

  • headOwner will determine the player head's owner. (This will be ignored if PLAYER_HEAD is not the material that is used, or if headData is not null.)

  • lore is a list of string that will determine the item's lore,

    • slot determines where the item will be placed in the GUI. Possible values are in this image. Because of how the rewards GUI is handled.


Grass Block:

      material: "GRASS_BLOCK"
      amount: 1
      displayName: "&9&lBlocks"
      headData: null
      headOwner: null
      - "Blocks!"
      - ""
      - "&aExample Lore"
      slot: 12

Player Head using headOwner with an empty lore:

  material: "PLAYER_HEAD"
  amount: 1
  displayName: "&9&lPlayer Head"
  headData: null
  headOwner: Peaches_MLG
  lore: []
  slot: 13

3 Player Heads using headData:

  material: "PLAYER_HEAD"
  amount: 3
  displayName: "&9&lPlayer Head"
  headData: "eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzhhZjhiN2Q0M2ZlNGRlOWY4Y2JjNGJiNDk1MzQzY2Y3MTVlYjhmZWJhNGJlZDRjZGNlODJjMWIwY2UxNzIyIn19fQ=="
  headOwner: null
  lore: []
  slot: 13

Last updated