This page lists all the commands available in IridiumSkyblock.
Commands with an empty permission node means that they are given to players by default; this means that you do not have to give players any permission nodes for them to work. If you want to give them a permission node, you can do so by editing commands.yml
Opens the main Island GUI
/is about
Displays plugin information
/is bank
Opens the Island bank
/is blockvalues
Shows the values of blocks
/is boosters
Opens the Island booster GUI
/is border
Changes the Island's border color
/is bypass
Bypasses island restrictions like permissions
/is clearalldata
Irreversibly removes all data from the database
/is create
Shows the Island creation GUI
/is delete [island]
Deletes the Island
If deleting another player's island, iridiumskyblock.bypass
/is delwarp
Deletes an Island warp
/is demote
Demotes a member of the Island.
/is deposit
Deposits into the Island bank
/is editwarp
Edits an Island warp
/is fly
Toggles Island flight for permanent fly, none with booster
/is help
Shows a list of all commands
/is home
Teleports to the Island home
/is info
Shows information about the current Island
/is invite
Invites a player to join the Island
/is join
Joins an island
/is kick
Kicks a player from the Island
/is leave
Leave the Island
/is level or /is experience
Displays island level / experience
/is logs
Opens the Island's transaction logs GUI
/is members
View the Island members
/is missions
View the Island missions
/is permissions
Edit the Island members' permissions
/is position
Set the corner position of a schematic
/is private
Makes the Island private
/is promote
Promotes an island member
/is public
Makes the Island public
/is recalc
Recalculates all island values
/is reload
Reloads the plugin configurations
/is rewards
Opens the Island reward GUI
/is saveschematic
Creates a schematic using the selected area from /is pos
/is setwarp
Creates an Island warp
/is shop
Opens the Island shop
/is top
Displays the top Islands
/is transfer
Transfers Island ownership to another player
/is trust
View the trusted members
/is uninvite
Revokes an invitation to the Island
/is untrust
Removes a player from the list of trusted players
/is upgrades
Opens the Islad upgrades GUI
/is value
Shows the Island value
/is visit
Visits another player's Island
/is warp
Opens the Island warps GUI
/is withdraw
Withdraws from the Island bank
Last updated